
How to Protect Your Fleet and Drivers


Managing a business is no small accomplishment or an easy task. When you throw a fleet into the mix, the task becomes much harder. Not only do you have to be on top of what happens in your business, you also need to make sure your fleet is in good condition while ensuring the safety of your drivers. Newer business owners and fleet managers can often feel overwhelmed by their tasks, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems. In this article, we’ll be going over how you can protect your fleet, fleet drivers, and business.

Get Fleet Insurance

The first step to protecting your fleet in general is to purchase fleet insurance. Fleet insurance is what allows fleet owners to cover every vehicle they have within their fleet without having to waste money on multiple policies. Compared to traditional car insurance where you can only add one vehicle per policy, fleet insurance bypasses this restriction completely. This means that if you want to purchase a small group of vehicles, you can add them to the policy for no additional cost. Aside from this difference, fleet insurance functions no differently from regular car insurance.

Implement the Proper Technology

Fleet insurance may be able to save you and your vehicles from extensive damage but remember that you also have a duty to keep your drivers safe as well. If a driver is injured while on the job, it can have a profound effect on your business’ reputation. It can also dissuade potential clients from doing business with you as well as causing a bit of unemployment. If anything, the safety of your driver’s should always come first. You can do so by implementing the proper fleet technology.

There are all sorts of technology you can add, but some are more important than others. In fact, some fleet technology is actually mandated by the government, specifically electronic logging devices and GPS tracking systems. Dash cams is another important piece of fleet technology. These are small cameras that are mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle. They record your driver’s entire journey from a first-person view. This not only allows you to protect your company and drivers from any liability, it’s an excellent way to prevent false claims from arising.

Offer Your Driver’s Training

If you’re really looking to increase social awareness and ensure your driver’s are on their best behavior when on the road, you can play your part by offering them a bit of training. While you’re not exactly teaching them how to drive, you’re instead educating them on driving safely. Even if you’re not the one involved, your company can take a brutal hit if it’s taken to court. It can very well be your driver’s fault. Offering your drivers some extra training can help them avoid collisions and protect your company in the long run.

Always Have the Vehicles go Under Maintenance

One thing you’ll be introduced rather quickly is your fleet needing routine maintenance. By routine, we mean every month at least. Compared to a personal vehicle where it only sees maintenance once or twice a year, fleet vehicles need to be maintained every month.


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