NY Press News

“Fortnite’s ‘Snitch Mode’: Reporting Inappropriate Voice Chats Just Got Easier!”

In a bid to keep Fortnite’s virtual battlegrounds safe and sound, Epic Games has cranked up the innovation dial with a brand-new voice reporting feature. Now, players can easily turn into digital detectives by capturing audio snippets and quietly reporting any rule-breaking comrades without revealing their own identities.

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Junior Detectives on Duty

For players under 18, it’s like having a watchful guardian in the gaming realm. The voice reporting feature is always on for them, making sure that any mischievous audio is documented. If you’re not a fan of having your voice recorded, your options are clear: either shut down the voice chat or press the mute button on your mic.

For the more seasoned gamers above 18, there’s a touch of freedom. They can fine-tune their voice chat reporting settings by delving into the audio settings, adding a dash of personalization to their digital snitching experience.

Behind the Scenes: How the Magic Happens

Picture this: you’re filing a report, and the last five minutes of audio gold from the game are whisked away to Epic’s moderators. These unsung heroes sift through the captured soundscape, deciding the fate of the reported player. Don’t worry, though; anything beyond the five-minute mark is promptly wiped from existence.

Epic emphasizes that your voice clips aren’t jet-setting to some mysterious server in the cloud. No, they’re securely tucked away on your gaming device, be it a PlayStation or Xbox. It’s like a secret vault, but for audio clips.

Out with the Old, In with the Not-So-Permanent

Epic maintains a tidy digital house. The voice clips used for reports have an expiration date of 14 days, or, if there’s a sanction in place, until the punishment concludes. However, if the Fortnite overlords need to keep a clip for legal reasons, it’s stored until the law says it’s time to bid farewell.

This move from Epic aligns with other gaming giants like Microsoft, Riot Games, and Sony, who’ve also dialed up the voice chat recording game to tackle the wild west of inappropriate online behavior.

Fortnite’s New Age of Ratings

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, Epic dropped another bombshell: age ratings are now the cool kids in town. Every bit of playable content, be it first or third-party, gets a shiny new age rating. It’s like the ESRB or PEGI, but with a Fortnite twist.

So, gear up, fellow gamers, and embrace the brave new world of voice reporting and age-rated gaming – where even digital realms have rules, and snitches are not just tolerated but celebrated!

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