Unmasking My Unexpected Triggers: From Disney Magic to TV Violence, How the Israel-Gaza Conflict Altered My Emotions!”

How can we uncover glimpses of hope amid the harrowing darkness that has engulfed Israel and the daily devastation witnessed in Gaza?
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Like many others, I’ve noticed a shift in my emotional responses, triggered by events that might not have affected me in the past. Since the onset of this conflict around Halloween, I’ve found myself unable to watch horror films, an experience that previously evoked no personal reaction. Now, any display of violence on television stirs fear and paranoia within me.
Recently, I returned from a joyful trip to Disney World, where my friends and I attended an Indiana Jones stunt show featuring a kidnapping scene. Despite the performance’s lighthearted nature, I couldn’t shake the triggered emotions it brought forth. Each night, as I lay in the comfort of my warm bed, my thoughts drift to the hostages’ well-being—wondering if they have access to basic needs like food, warmth, and toiletries. The weight of war, hatred, and fear is overwhelming and daunting.
In moments like these, I find solace in being grateful for having my day-to-day necessities met and for the safety of my close-knit family. Israel-Gaza My prayers are dedicated to peace, and I hold onto the hope that one day we can inhabit a world free from war, violence, and prejudice. Amen.
Michal Bonell serves as the Senior Account Manager and Team Supervisor for the Atlanta Jewish Times.