
“Denmark’s Ammo Revival: Reawakening Production at Repurchased Arms Plant”

“Denmark’s Ammo Revival: Reawakening Production at Repurchased Arms Plant” In a surprising turn of events, Denmark‘s defense ministry has decided to dust off its old ammo-making hat after a hiatus of 55 years. Why, you ask? Well, it turns out that the war in Ukraine has sparked quite the demand for military stuff across Europe. Who would have thought?

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A Blast from the Past

The ministry dropped this bombshell in a statement over the weekend, announcing that they’re planning to buy back an old arms factory that’s been sitting around doing nothing for quite some time. This factory in the northwest of Denmark was once the nation’s go-to spot for bullets and such, dating all the way back to 1676! However, it closed shop in 1968, probably because people realized they needed more than just muskets and cannonballs to stay safe.

The factory, located in Elling in North Jutland, was sold off in 2008 for a cool 18 million Danish crowns. Now, the ministry is buying it back for 19.6 million crowns, which sounds like a pretty good deal if you ask us. Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen must have thought so too.

A Danish Solution to a European Problem

Why is Denmark getting back into the ammo-making game, you might wonder? Well, according to Lund Poulsen, ammunition production in Europe is feeling the heat right now. With all this demand, they figured, “Why not make our own ammo to help out?” It’s like when you bring your own snacks to a party – you’re not just a guest; you’re a contributor!

Of course, it won’t happen overnight. Lund Poulsen admits that it’ll take some time before they start churning out bullets like a factory on caffeine. But hey, at least they’ve started, right? Slow and steady wins the ammo race, or something like that.

What’s in the Ammo-mystery Box?

Now, the big question is: What kind of ammunition are they planning to make in that old factory? Unfortunately, the statement doesn’t spill the beans on that one. It’s a secret, like the recipe for grandma’s famous meatballs or the combination to your cousin’s suitcase. We’ll just have to wait and see.

This factory, formerly owned by a private Spanish company, was last in business back in 2020. Who knew that in 2023, it would become the stage for Denmark’s grand ammo revival? Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

“Ammo Factory Repurchase: Denmark’s Strategic Move”

So, there you have it, folks – Denmark is dusting off its old ammo-making skills to meet the increased demand for military hardware. It’s like they’re saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” We wish them the best of luck in their ammo adventure, and maybe one day, they’ll reveal what kind of bullets they’re cooking up in Elling!


  1. Why is Denmark re-starting ammunition production after a 55-year gap?
  • Denmark is resuming ammunition production to secure its domestic supplies amidst increased demand for military hardware in Europe due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

2. How much did Denmark pay to buy back the arms factory in Elling, North Jutland?

  • Denmark paid 19.6 million Danish crowns ($2.8 million) to repurchase the Elling arms factory, which they had previously sold for 18 million crowns in 2008.

3. What prompted Denmark to re-enter the ammunition production industry?

  • Denmark’s decision to re-enter ammunition production is a response to the pressure on ammunition production in Europe and a desire to contribute to meeting Danish needs during the current demand surge.

4. When is Denmark expected to begin ammunition production at the repurchased factory?

  • Although there is no specific timeline mentioned in the statement, it is clear that it will take some time before Denmark is ready to commence ammunition production at the Elling factory.

5. Do we know what type of ammunition Denmark plans to manufacture at the Elling plant?

  • The statement does not provide details about the specific type of ammunition Denmark intends to produce at the Elling factory. The exact ammunition types remain undisclosed for now.
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